
Meet Jenny


Award-Winning International Author,

Successful Entrepreneur,

Keynote Speaker,

Entrepreneur Mindset Coach,

And Student Of Life


My Journey

I started in a shallow and negative place where everything wasn’t going the way I wanted becuase I didn’t know what my purpose was in life, as many of us do.​
Growing up in a Spanish-speaking country, I was taught to go to school, get good grades and work my way up the corporate ladder, and that’s it.
As a student of life, I was given a chance to work in IT for over 15 years after finishing college. I was a fast learner, but it wasn’t enough.

I lost my job stability twice because of corporate decisions, making me feel vulnerable.
I was always looking for the new shiny object that never came, draining my self-esteem and budget. I was introduced to personal development but thought that I needed to be better, and everyone had something unique to offer than me.
People in my circle made jokes about my decisions, trying to guide me to do things they wanted.

Until I decided what I wanted to do with my life one day, I still doubted myself for every move because I failed in the past. But being a master of curiosity, I couldn’t see my potential until a great friend removed the shells because I wasn’t aware of seeing it on my own.

So I started by taking baby steps and noticing how my world changed because I decided to change first.


My Values & Beliefs

"Student Of Life"

A Master Of Curiosity

Passionate About Serving Others

My Mission

After struggling for so long doing things I thought would make me happy, I noticed something was missing and couldn’t figure it out.

After attending my first live seminar, something clicked inside, and things were the same and decided to learn and share this, becoming passionate about helping and serving others to find their way through, just as it did for me a few years back. I am sharing this to inspire you because you are not alone, and if you want to improve in any area of your life, you will need some guidance.

Remember that we are just an email away!

Reliable And Repeatable System

You see, having a proven system from someone who has been in the trenches willing to help shift your perception while building your dreams and living the life you deserve as a life leader, things will start to click too.

If you are willing to take that step and claim your success, then you are in the right place.

Jenny Jackson

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